Портативная LED-лампа в удобной форме фонарика с 9 светодиодами. Полимеризует любые светоотверждаемые материалы: гели, гель-лаки, гель-краски. Работает от 3-х батареек ААА (батарейки в комплект не входят!).

Идеально подойдет для:

  • фиксации верхних форм
  • промежуточной просушки дизайнов
  • в качестве travel
  • варианта для ремонта ногтей
  • для покрытия в педикюре
  • если отключили свет И в любой другой ситуации, когда нужна лампа без подключения к электросети.

Мощность: 9 Вт.

Лед лампа-фонарик для гель лака, 9 лампочек, цвет жёлтый

Code of product: 15179
Stock balance: many
701 ֏
150 ₽
1,79 $
139 bought
139 bought

Портативная LED-лампа в удобной форме фонарика с 9 светодиодами. Полимеризует любые светоотверждаемые материалы: гели, гель-лаки, гель-краски. Работает от 3-х батареек ААА (батарейки в комплект не входят!).

Идеально подойдет для:

  • фиксации верхних форм
  • промежуточной просушки дизайнов
  • в качестве travel
  • варианта для ремонта ногтей
  • для покрытия в педикюре
  • если отключили свет И в любой другой ситуации, когда нужна лампа без подключения к электросети.

Мощность: 9 Вт.

Viewers 528
Length 11.00
Width 3.00
Height 2.00
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A LED Lamp Flashlight for Gel Polish - 9 Bulbs in Yellow

If you're into nail art, you probably know that the right tools can make all the difference. Among these tools is a lamp designed for curing gel polish. And one of the most popular and handy options is the LED flashlight lamp, which can function not just as a curing device but as a handy flashlight, too.

This is true for the mysterious but efficient 9-bulb LED flashlight system that comes in a bold and stylish yellow hue. This lamp is designed to cure gel polish in just seconds, saving you precious minutes and giving you more time to experiment with colors, patterns, and designs.

But what sets this LED lamp apart from the usual options? For one, it's designed with 9 bulbs instead of a more common 6 or 8, allowing for a more intense and efficient curing process. This means that your polish will cure faster and denser, for a more even and long-lasting finish.

Another advantage of this LED flashlight is its yellow color, which is easy on the eyes and doesn't cause fatigue or strain. It also offers smooth and even light distribution, so that you can cure any angle or surface with precision and ease.

And let's not forget the lamp's dual function as a flashlight, which can come in handy when working on your nails in dimly lit settings. This makes the LED flashlight a great tool for nail techs on the go, as well as for those who enjoy doing their own nails at home.

Overall, the 9-bulb LED flashlight lamp in yellow is a must-have tool for any nail art enthusiast or professional. It's durable, efficient, easy on the eyes, and versatile, making it a wise investment in your nail art journey.