Nail file. An irreplaceable tool in every girl's cosmetic bag

Nail file. An irreplaceable tool in every girl's cosmetic bag
It is known that most girls are preoccupied with how their nails look.  After all, beautiful nails are an indicator of a girl's grooming and femininity. And the more beautiful the manicure, the more chances to win the attention of male representatives. Manicure is a rather intense process, but it's worth it, because after it, hands and nails will revive. No manicure set is complete without such an important tool as a nail file. And this is not a surprise, because what tool will give your nails an even and beautiful shape like not a nail file. Therefore, such a tiny object, but without it, a manicure simply cannot be. But with all this, not all products can lead to the desired result. Therefore, masters always pay attention to the quality of the nail file, the material from which it is made, rigidity, price.
We will help you figure out what a nail file is, what you should pay attention to when choosing it, advantages and disadvantages, and try to explain some of the nuances.

Nail file – an important tool in the arsenal of a manicure master. With a file, you can give the nails the desired shape, cut off the excess length and polish the surface of the nail plates to a shine. However, if you make a mistake at the stage of selection in the quality and properties of the nail file, you can injure the nail.

Nail files, in the field of their use, can be divided into the following types:

- By the degree of abrasiveness (hardness).
- By form.
- According to the material.
- By appointment.
Now let's take a look at the details.

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Types of files for abrasiveness

60-100 grit. The toughest files. Designed for extended nails only: they do an excellent job of adjusting the length of the artificial nail plate. Suitable for pedicure and easy handling of corns.
100-150 grit. A manicure file with this stiffness is used to shape extended nails. You can find a double index of abrasiveness (100/150). This means that the file has two working planes, and the numbers are the stiffness values ​​of each of them.
240 grit. The most versatile option. Files of this hardness are suitable for all natural and artificial nails. It is soft enough not to harm even weakened nails.
250-400 grit. This type of nail files is very soft. Ideal for sanding, finishing the nail shape correction process.
400-900 grit. A file with abrasiveness from this range is necessary to prepare the nail for sanding. Suitable for both natural and artificial nail plates.
900-1200 grit. The softest. As a rule, these are soft buffs with which you can polish your nails to a mirror shine without harming them.

Oval - designed to correct the shape of a natural or artificial nail.
Boomerang - for rounded nails and filing at artificial cuticles.
Rectangular - for shaping and shaping artificial nails.
Diamond-shaped - are considered the most convenient for creating the shape of extended nails.
Dome - to correct the shape of artificial nails along the entire length.
Polisher (grinder) - can be of any shape and have up to six degrees of hardness.

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Types of nail files by material

Glass nail file - The glass nail file has a long lifespan, is easy to use and does not harm your nails. Glass files are characterized by various lengths, thicknesses and degrees of abrasiveness (hardness of the working surface). The glass nail file is endowed with versatile properties that allow you to file nails on hands and feet, including those with artificial coating.

Ceramic nail file - These files are ceramic-coated for good quality. With an ideal abrasiveness, the ceramic nail file is used for working with thin and injured nails (for example, after removing gel or shellac). The ceramic file is a professional tool. Ceramic file is very fragile and is usually completed with a special case.

Diamond file - Diamond files make it possible to process the free edge of the nail in all directions. It can be used for sanding, removing cuticles, and for removing rough skin on the side ridges. The texture of the file and diamond dusting does not harm the nails by sealing the tip. This nail file belongs to professional tools; craftsmen use it when working with natural nails or artificial turf.

Metal nail file - Due to the coarse spraying, the file significantly damages the surface of the nails, leading to delamination, so it is better not to use it! A metal tool is most often used to shape false or extended nails. If you use a nail file for your own nails, you can almost immediately get delamination and cracks. Even when using a nail file when working with artificial tips, you need to do it carefully.

Paper nail file - This type of file is made of specially treated cardboard covered with dusting, which is used as granite, quartz or Teflon chips. The work surface is on both sides, so if one deteriorates, you can use the other. The paper nail file can be disposable - in a salon or reusable - for individual use.

Plastic nail file - This manicure tool has a plastic base, which can be flat or foamed. The first option is usually used for filing nails, the second is, as it were, a machine for grinding (buff for polishing). Also, such a device is both bendable and rigid. A plastic file is used for grinding thin and soft nails.

A buff file is a special file in the form of a volumetric rectangular bar, each face of which has its own abrasiveness. The main functions of this tool are grinding, polishing natural and extended nail plates, from which it removes irregularities and minor flaws.

Cuticle files. Whichever nail shape you choose, your fingers always need to remove the cuticle. The most effective way is to use specialized files: laser or ceramic. Laser files are more suitable and are approved for use on very thin and brittle nails and cuticles. During work, only dead tissue is removed.

Polishing files. The nail plate must not only be sharpened, but also polished. For these purposes, it is recommended to use specialized polishing buffs that add shine to the nail. When choosing the appropriate buff, you should pay attention to the purpose: polishing and building up the nail plate.
The simplest version of the buff is a polishing cube, which has edges with different abrasiveness.

Disadvantages and benefits of different types of nail files

Glass nail files. Advantages: comfortable, hygienic, not afraid of moisture, give a neat and even cut, improve the condition of nails, are presented in different sizes and shapes, durable glass, affordable price. Disadvantages: it is recommended to store in a special case, not suitable for extended nails, fragile - they can break at the slightest fall.

Ceramic nail file. Advantages: Long-lasting, disinfection with any solution, does not delaminate nails. 
Disadvantages: May break if dropped on a hard surface.

Diamond nail files. Advantages: moisture resistant, durable, versatile, does not damage nails. 
Disadvantages: Expensive.

Metal nail files. Of the advantages: inexpensive, affordable - you can buy in any store, do not require special storage conditions, are not afraid of moisture, long service life. 
Disadvantages: they spoil nails, abrasive on the most inexpensive models is quickly erased.

Paper files. Advantages: low cost, lightweight, colorful design and variety are presented in any sizes, types and shapes. 
Disadvantages: they wear out quickly and become unusable, cannot be washed, difficult to clean.

Plastic nail file. Advantages: long service life, variety, affordable price, ease of disinfection of the instrument without the threat of damage. 
Disadvantages: Designed for single use.

Nail file buff.  Avantages: Straightens the nail, polishes, adds shine. Disadvantages: Cannot be wetted and disinfected.

Not everyone knows how to properly care for such a specific thing - a nail file. It must be cleaned and disinfected regularly. Can nail files be washed? Not everyone. Let's figure it out!

Can nail files be washed?

They are afraid of water and any other liquids:
- paper files.
- wooden.
- with a fabric base.
- some nail files with a specific coating that wears off over time.
- many types of nail files.

They are not afraid of water and disinfection liquids:
- glass or crystal nail files.
- ceramic.
- metal.
- plastic.
- most nail files are sprayed.
- based on foam (buffs and blocks).
- attachments for electric files and apparatus.

It is very important to follow the sterilization procedure for any manicure tool. This is done to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria. A nail file is no exception, it must also be disinfected.
How to disinfect nail files

- To begin with, the files are disinfected with special solutions.
- After that, the files are cleaned directly.
- Then the instruments are thoroughly sterilized.
- After finishing processing, the files must be properly stored.

Moisture-resistant nail files are washed with a soft brush or sponge under running water, maybe with a small amount of laundry or baby soapFor files that are sensitive to water, a dry brush is preferred. In extreme cases, it is permissible to get the tool wet with a cotton pad moistened with alcohol. Paper files, no matter how wonderful they are, are considered disposable, they cannot be immersed in any liquid, a tool of this type will deteriorate and become unusable. Therefore, when using such files at home, they are not soaked in a solution, but treated with a spray. In the conditions of beauty salons, such nail files cannot be reused. They must be destroyed immediately after the completion of the manicure. Diamond files cannot be disinfected normally. When working with them, you need to adhere to the recommendations set out in the instructions for the tool.

Options in choosing a nail file

Many people think about how to choose the right nail file so that it allows you to create the desired shape and length of the nails. It is quite difficult to unequivocally determine which nail file is better, since much in the operation of the tool depends on the individual characteristics of the nails, as well as the working conditions of the file. However, there are some parameters in choosing a nail file.

1.Condition of nails. If nails are weakened, exfoliate and break, they need a soft file with a lot of grit, that is, with a fine dusting.

2.Material. His choice depends on how long you plan to use the tool and for what purposes you buy (work in a salon or home nail care).

3.Abrasiveness. According to this indicator, the files are divided into: a hard file, which is suitable for correcting and extending nails, a medium-hard nail file used to shape the nail plate, and a soft nail file used for and correcting the length of natural nails.

As promised, we have shared with you the important points when choosing a nail file. We tried to clearly provide the necessary information about them. Now it’s your turn to put all of this into practice.
Published: 05.11.2020 14:28 Times Read: 7156