Basic set of a manicure master

Basic set of a manicure master
Manicure - and how many years ago did girls live without it? Nowadays, almost every girl strives for a beautiful manicure, and does not even imagine what not to have, because it is the manicure that emphasizes femininity and beauty. Now, the nail industry is very popular, a huge number of masters, a number of different techniques, devices, accessories for creating a manicure, there is absolutely everything. It is known that a professional master of the nail industry is not just a status of a «professional» in his field, but he must also follow a number of rules, skills and know perfectly what tools are needed to create a beautiful and high-quality manicure. After all, his financial earnings and the number of loyal customers depend on this. So what should a basic manicure master kit contain? You will certainly find out in this article.

What is the basic set of the master?

There is a basic set of items and tools that are required for the work of a manicure master. Based on the stage of the procedure, it is possible to determine the most important professional tools and equipment that will be needed by the master in the first place. It is important not to forget that the devices must always be clean and sterile, because the safety of the master and the client depends on this.

1. Tools for processing the nail plate

The first stage of manicure is the treatment of the nail plate and cuticle. The most popular are combination and hardware manicure.

Combined manicure combines:
- skin clippers and cuticle scissors.

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- cuticle revumer (affects the dead skin and involves softening the cuticle, after which it is enough to remove them from the "living" skin with a wooden stick). It is supposed to soften the cuticle with special means and carefully remove the dead cells with wooden sticks.

- a laser file or a file with replaceable abrasives to create the shape of the nail plate.
- a pusher (scapula) to push back the cuticle. operation of the apparatus and cutting tools: scissors (tweeters) and nippers.

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- Files and polishers

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Hardware manicure, accordingly, requires a manicure cutter. Fraser is one of the most important tools in manicure.

2. Lamps: table and lamp for drying gel polish

Any master should have two lamps - for lighting and for drying gel polish.
In order for the manicure to be of high quality, the process also needs good lighting. A table lamp will help with this. Each master chooses it that is convenient for himself, the main thing is that the light is white and cold. 

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A gel polish manicure cannot be done without a nail lamp. The choice of such a lamp must be taken seriously, because it is the main assistant in the work. But choosing this tool for a novice master is not an easy task. It is imperative to pay attention to the power, the more it is - the faster the drying time, the power indicator is also important due to the fact that some gels and gel varnishes require a certain amount of watts. The most popular are hybrid lamps with a power of 24-52 watts. 

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3. Basic materials: bases, tops, gel polishes, primer

Base - the first stage of gel polish manicure. In the arsenal of every master there should be a rubber base, which has high durability, and a camouflage base necessary for a jacket or color coating without the use of colored gel varnishes. 

The top is also one of the important elements of the cover, as it reinforces the work done. A top without a sticky layer is the best option that does not require the use of additional liquids. The matte top is a favorite of many clients, so its presence is also necessary. 

The primer is used when applying gel polish to enhance the adhesion of the artificial nail plate. Reliably holds gel polish in especially vulnerable places: along the edges and at the end of the nail. 

Gel polish white, black, red, burgundy and natural - this is the minimum, among which each of the clients can choose a suitable tone for themselves. From time to time, the master can replenish his set with different colors.

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4. Consumables

All of the above devices form the basis for a novice master. In addition, some consumables and skin and nail care products are required. Namely:

- cuticle remover.
- primer or ultrabond.
- degreaser / dehydrator.
- buff files.
- liquid to remove the sticky layer.
- lint-free napkins.
- liquid for removing gel polish.
- cuticle oil.
- orange sticks.
- clips or foil for removal.
- disposable gloves, masks, towels.
- bath for manicure.
- tips for gel polish.

We must not forget about the most important thing: everything must be clean and sterile. Safety is important in everything from the workplace to tools. There must be a hood on the table, which will protect the master and clients from dust. The health of the master and the client directly depends on this.

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Before starting work, it is necessary to process the workplace, wipe the table, lamps and apparatus. A surface disinfectant will help with this.
The sterility of instruments is the most important aspect for both the client and the master. This requires several items: mortar, boxing, craft bags and dry heat.
To keep the instruments clean and sterile, they can be stored in a UV cabinet. 

Never neglect sterilization, because it is the key to the health of your clients!
It is not difficult to choose a starter kit for a manicure, it is important that it includes the basic necessary components for a complete manicure process.

Now you own this information, it remains to purchase everything and feel free to get to work.

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Published: 04.11.2020 14:24 Times Read: 4008