How to grow long and healthy nails fast - useful tips

How to grow long and healthy nails fast - useful tips
Every woman dreams of long and healthy nails - it is not surprising, because a beautiful manicure is a kind of business card of every woman of the fair sex. Nevertheless, many people find it difficult to grow long nails: they either do not grow, or break and break off. To avoid these problems, we have prepared an article that will help you to achieve the desired - to grow beautiful and natural nails.

1. Ensure regular hand hygiene

The first step to caring for your nails is a careful hygiene routine for your hands and nails. It is very important to wash your hands regularly, using a mild soap to prevent the accumulation of dirt under your nails and on the skin of your hands. This simple but effective method helps to improve the condition of your nails, making them not only more beautiful but also stronger.

2. Daily care

Many women often forget that caring for nails is not only filing, but also daily complex care. To give them a healthy and well-groomed look, it is useful to carry out various procedures, such as milk baths.

Milk bath is a great way to strengthen the nail plates and prevent their delamination. Any dairy product will do: ryazhenka, milk or kefir. Just add a few drops of iodine, immerse your fingers in the bath for 15-20 minutes, then rinse your hands with cool water and apply moisturising cream. This simple ritual will keep your nails looking healthy and well-groomed.

3. Healthy nutrition - vitamins in the daily diet

It is important to remember that nail growth depends not only on external factors, but also on internal factors. For example, the constant use of various nail baths and moisturising creams may not produce the desired results if your daily diet lacks foods containing essential vitamins. It is important to include foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and E in your diet. These vitamins can be found in the following foods:

- Fresh herbs;
- Fruits (orange, banana, pineapple, apricot, peach, melon, apple, kiwi, passion fruit, lemon);
- Green, yellow and orange coloured vegetables (sweet peppers, pumpkin, carrots, broccoli, spinach);
- Dairy products (cheese, milk, butter, cottage cheese, sour cream);
- Berries (cherries, rosehips, sea buckthorn, blackcurrants);
- Beans (peas, soya beans, beans);
- Meat products (beef liver);
- Fish oil;
- Eggs;

Don't forget that vitamins are the key to strong and healthy nails. Be sure to pay attention to your body, enriching it with the necessary nutrients to maintain the beauty and strength of your nails.


4. Nail massage

A nail massage is not only a pleasant treatment, but also an effective way to ensure the health and beauty of your nails. This unique technique combines elements of massage and nail plate care, providing not only relaxation but also improving their overall condition.

Benefits of nail massage:

- Growth Stimulation.
Massage helps to improve blood circulation in the nail bed area, which helps to activate the growth of healthy and strong nails.

- Strengthening the nail structure.
Regular massage helps to strengthen the nail plate, preventing its brittleness and delamination.

- Relaxation and stress relief.
Massage not only improves the physical condition of the nails, but also provides a feeling of pleasant relaxation, relieving tension after a stressful day.

5. Trim your nails regularly

Cutting your nails is an important part of your grooming and hygiene practices to prevent unpleasant consequences such as ingrown nails or various infections.

6. Don't bite your nails

When you constantly bite your nails, it can cause serious problems with their growth and quality. With each bite, you damage the nail plate, making it more brittle and weak. In addition, contact with saliva is proven to cause damage to your nails.

To minimise the destructive habit, it is recommended that you use a special clear polish with a bitter taste. This can help create an unpleasant sensation when trying to bite your nails, which helps in weaning off this bad habit.

7. File your nails properly

Carefully guide the file, paying attention to each movement. Try to keep in the same direction, avoiding unnecessary friction. Pay special attention to smoothing out any uneven edges to prevent damage to the nail plate.

8. Do not use toxic varnishes

Before you start using regular nail polish, it is recommended that you carefully examine its composition. If you find chemical components such as formaldehyde, dibutyl phthalate and toluene, it is strongly advised not to use this product. Instead, you should prefer water-based varnishes. While they may be less resistant, they are the safest in terms of composition.

This simple step is often enough not only to keep your nails healthy, but also to help strengthen them.

9. To slough off nail polish, choose only natural remedies

The use of aggressive nail polish removers can have a negative impact on the health of the nail plate and cuticle. For daily care, it is recommended to prefer acetone-free products to maintain the beauty and health of your nails.

10. Wear gloves when doing household tasks

Washing dishes or cleaning your flat without wearing gloves can have a negative impact on the health of your hands and nails. Aggressive chemicals in detergents can cause dry and irritated skin and weaken the structure of your nails.

In order to maintain healthy hands and promote strong nails, it is recommended to wear protective gloves when cleaning or washing dishes. This will help prevent direct contact with chemicals, reducing the risk of dry and irritated skin.

11. Drink water regularly

If your nails are constantly breaking and becoming brittle, your body may be suffering from a lack of moisture. Drinking 1.5-2 litres of water per day can significantly improve your overall health and can also lead to a noticeable strengthening of your nails. In addition, you will soon notice how easy it is for you to grow strong and healthy nails.

By following the above recommendations, we are confident that you will be able to achieve long and healthy nails.

Read also: Strengthening nails at home - effective tips
Published: 28.11.2023 10:55 Times Read: 7341